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    4.Kader Attia, Réfléchir la Mémoire_Reflecting Memory, 2016, video HD, 48 min, courtesy the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA, ph Vanni Bassetti
    4.Kader Attia, Réfléchir la Mémoire_Reflecting Memory, 2016, video HD, 48 min, courtesy the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA, ph Vanni Bassetti
    [= 4.Kader ===== Attia ==== R ==== fl == chir === la ===== M === moire == Reflecting = Memory ==== 2016 === video ==== HD ===== 48 = min === courtesy ==== the === artist === and == GALLERIA === CONTINUA ===== ph == Vanni ===== Bassetti ==]

        [== LINK ==]

    © THE BLANK 2024
    4.Kader Attia, Réfléchir la Mémoire_Reflecting Memory, 2016, video HD, 48 min, courtesy the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA, ph Vanni Bassetti